Maintaining Your Sand Filter System So It Lasts Longer

If you use a sand filter system for your septic tank, you'll find that the right care and maintenance will help it last for years. In addition to periodic maintenance, knowing how you should use your system without causing damage can make it last longer, reducing the amount you have to spend on repairs.

Know what you can and cannot flush into your septic tank

While some household materials may seem harmless enough to flush, others can cause your tank to clog and disrupt the filter system. Such items may include:

  • Greases, oils and household paints
  • Items you shouldn't flush down the toilet anyway, such as nappies and sanitary napkins
  • Other items that are hard to break down, such as makeup removal wipes and baby wipes

Rather than using your septic tank, find a local authority site for dumping hazardous materials or use an appropriate bin.

Take care when adding to your garden

Whether it's installing a pool or planting trees, there are various ways you can damage your septic treatment system. If you're moving into a property that features a sand filter system, ask for the plans before altering your garden, as the alterations you make could cause damage that's difficult to repair. In addition, you should keep heavy vehicles and animals away from the immediate replacement area, as the pressure of their weight may cause damage.

Add water saving devices to your home

As with any installation, your sand filter system will experience disrepair faster if it's in constant use. There are several ways you can save water around the home and place your filter system under less stress:

  • When you notice leaks, fix them immediately
  • Install water saving devices on your toilet and shower
  • Only wash full loads of laundry and fully load your dishwasher too

Look out for telltale signs of damage

While septic treatment systems don't emit the nicest of smells, if you begin to notice extra foul odors, you may want to investigate whether yours is failing. In addition, look for new wet spots and areas of sewage that are beginning to seep upwards. If they start to appear, call in a professional who can inspect the system and make repair recommendations. 

If you do suspect there's something wrong with your sand filter system, contact a professional sooner rather than later. In doing so, you may prevent a complete replacement and you can gain advice on how to prevent further damage so your system lasts longer. 
